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Popular Pages

Resources to prepare your training sessions

Get to know your participants In order to be able to design appropriate and relevant training wo...

Training modules and getting started

What are the training modules? The FTX: Safety Reboot currently contains the following five inde...

Welcome to the FTX: Safety reboot

The FTX: Safety Reboot is a training curriculum made up of several modules for trainers who wor...

Deconstructing online GBV [deepening activity]

This activity takes the participants through a case study of an incident of online gender-based v...

Take Back the Tech! Game [tactical activity]

This role-playing game was developed in order to help participants decide how to take action in l...

Online GBV or not? [starter activity]

This activity is designed to spark debate and discussion, and give you, the trainer/facilitator a...

Develop your internet dream place [starter activity]

In this activity, participants consider elements of an online space where their community can t...

Risk assessment in movement organising [foundational material]

Overview When thinking about risk assessment at the level of movement organising, it means expan...

The data life cycle as a way to understand risk [deepening activity]

Look at risk assessment from the perspective of the data life cycle. Activists, organisations and...

Input + discussion: Privacy, consent and safety [deepening activity]

This learning activity is about the trainer/facilitator giving input and facilitating a discussio...

Popular Manuals

(en) FTX: Safety Reboot

The FTX: Safety Reboot is a training curriculum made up of several modules for trainers who work ...

(ar) المشاركات التقنيّة النسويّة لإعادة تفعيل الأمان (بالعربية)

المشاركات التقنيّة النسويّة لإعادة تفعيل الأمان هو منهج تدريبي من عدة وحدات للمدربات الناشطات في ...


"FTX: Перезагрузка безопасности" - это учебная программа, состоящая из нескольких модулей для тре...

(es) FTX: Reboot de seguridad

FTX: Reboot de seguridad (o Safety Reboot, en inglés) es una currícula de capacitación compuesta ...

(pt) FTX: Reiniciando com Segurança

O FTX: Reiniciando com Segurança é um currículo de treinamento feito de diversos módulos para aux...

(fr) Le FTX : Redémarrage de sécurité

Le FTX : Redémarrage de sécurité (ou Safety reboot en anglais) est un programme de formation comp...

(en) Sexuality and internet governance

Designed to increase participants’ understanding of internet governance and how it relates to the...

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code

With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, we were faced with a huge challenge: how to continue c...

(pt) Gincana Monstra: Abrindo o código

Com a chegada da pandemia de COVID-19, fomos confrontadxs com um enorme desafio: como continuar r...

(en) Storytelling

This manual is for trainers using storytelling as a feminist approach to facilitate space for act...

Popular Chapters

Creating safe online spaces

Facilitate learning and building capacity on creating safe online spaces, specifically for at-ris...

Mobile safety

Work with participants to share strategies and tactics for using their mobile phones more safely ...

Online gender-based violence

Guide participants through the issues relating to online gender-based violence – its root causes,...

Risk assessment

Introduce participants to the concepts that underlie risk assessment, and how to apply risk asses...

Создание безопасных онлайн-пространств

Этот модуль предназначен для содействия обучению и развитию потенциала в области создания безопас...

Мобильная Безопасность

В этом модуле мы работаем с участниками_цами, делясь стратегиями и тактиками более безопасного ис...

Violencia de género en internet

Guiar a las participantes a través de los temas relacionados con la violencia de género en intern...

Гендерно-Обусловленное Насилие в Интернете

Этот модуль предназначен для ознакомления участников с вопросами, связанными с гендерно-обусловле...

Seguridad móvil

Comparte estrategias y tácticas para que podamos utilizar nuestros celulares de manera más segura...

تأمين الهواتف المحمولة

اعملي مع المشاركات على مشاركة الاستراتيجيات والخطط لاستخدام الهواتف المحمولة بشكل أكثر أمانًا في ...